Figure 1.
Temporal change in clinical measures in the eight Center for Health Discovery and Well Being (CHDWB) participants: (A) body mass index (BMI), (b) serum triglycerides, (c) systolic blood pressure (SBP), and (d) bone mineral density (BMD). Each plot shows the temporal sequence from first to fourth visit over 3 years (left to right, dark to pale shading) for the four men (blue) and four women (purple) in the study. Data were only available for the first three visits for CHD-1. Adjusted R2 and significance measures refer to ANOVA of the individual differences, providing an estimate of the proportion of variance between individuals for each measure. Background color coding shows very high (pink), high (green), intermediate (white), low (yellow), and very low (blue) risk score categories defined by 1 or 2 standard deviation units from the CHDWB mean. These categories are also used in Figure 3 (see text for specific results). In order to protect participant privacy, actual trait values are not shown, but ranges in the full cohort are 16 to 61 for BMI, 30 to 708 mg/dL for serum triglycerides, 78 to 187 for SBP, and -3 to +3 for BMD z-scores.