(A,C) Risk-o-gram plots for common diseases in standard format for two individuals, (A) CHD-5 and (B) CHD-8. (C,D) Risk-o-grams adjusted according to observed clinical risk for (C) CHD-5 and (D) CHD-8. Gender and age-specific disease prevalence for Caucasians are indicated by the black triangles (or hash marks in lower panels). Genotypic effects are predicted to increase (right point) or decrease (left point) overall risk by the indicated magnitude (orange or purple, respectively), resulting in the indicated rank-ordered overall risk. The number of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) used in the computation for each disease is indicated to the right. (C,D) The adjusted risk-o-grams according to observed clinical risk either increase (red triangle) or decrease (green triangle) the baseline without affecting the genotypic component, but result in adjustment of overall risk and rank order. Note that CHD-5 is a woman, and CHD-8 a man, so breast and prostate cancer are indicated for each as appropriate.