Viral activation of the naïve BG1 CD8 T cell induces CNS infiltration and autoimmunity. Vac:GFAP infection of C57BL/6 mice carrying small populations of BG1 CD8 T cells induces (A) atypical EAE disease symptoms and (B) weight loss. Each group consisted of 7–9 mice. For clarity, Standard Deviation error bars are shown only for mice receiving 2.5 × 105 BG1 CD8+ cells. (C) Identification of brain-resident BG1 CD8 T cell subsets following Vac:GFAP infection (see Fig. S1). (D) BG1 CD8 T cells present within the brain following Vac:GFAP activation are strong producers of IFNγ, and express (E) granzyme B. Phenotypic results are derived from or are a representative example of at least four individual mice. Error bars represent SEM. *; P=<0.05, **; P=<0.01, ns; Not Significant.