Fig. 1.
Sequence alignment of C and C mammalian cAMP-dependent protein kinase C-subunits (PKA) with Plasmodium and Toxoplasma gondii isoforms. Sequences are labeled according to species and isoform: (h), Homo sapiens, PKA (P17612 KAPCA_HUMAN), PKA (P22694 KAPCB_HUMAN); (b) = bovine, (Bos taurus) PKA (P00517 KAPCA_BOVIN); (p), pig (Sus scrofa) PKA (P36887 KAPCA_PIG), PKA (P05383 KAPCB_PIG); (P.f.), Plasmodium falciparum isolate 3D7 (gene PfPKAc, uniprot Q7K6A0_PLAF7); (P.v.), Plasmodium vivax (gene PVX_086975, uniprot A5KE97_PLAVI); (P.k.), Plasmodium knowlesi strain H (gene PKH_073290, uniprot B3L322_PLAKH); (P.y.), Plasmodium yoelii yoelli (gene PY052325, uniprot Q7RE33_PLAYO); (T.g.) Toxoplasma gondii VEG (gene TGVEG_066990, uniprot B9Q7X8_TOXGO). The structure of PKA (1ATP) is shown colored by subdomains as annotated on the sequence.