Fig. 4.
Core domain alignment of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) R-subunits of mammalian, yeast, Plasmodia and Toxoplasma isoforms. Structure shown is of RI (1RGS) colored according to the representative sequence. Sequences are labeled according to species and isoform: RI (P10644, human), RIβ (P31321, human), RII (P13861, human), RIIβ (P31323, human), bcy1 (P07278, yeast), PfR (Q8T323, P. falciparum), PkR (B3LCL9, P. knowlesi), PvR (gi 156103253, P. vivax), PbR (gi68068779, P. berghei), PyyR (gi 83318121, P. yoelii yoelli), PccR (gi 70947112, P. chabaudi chabaudi), TgR (gi 12698442, T. gondii).