Figure 8. Exogenous HSP70 is protective.
(A) Utricles were cultured in neomycin with (or without) recombinant human HSP70. Recombinant HSA was used as a control. Neomycin resulted in significant loss of hair cells (ANOVA, *P < 0.05 relative to control). Addition of exogenous HSP70 inhibited neomycin-induced hair cell death (ANOVA, #P < 0.05 relative to neomycin), while HSA was not protective. n = 5–20 utricles per condition. (B) Exogenous HSP70 is not internalized by hair cells. Neomycin-treated utricles were cultured in the presence of FITC-labeled recombinant human HSP70 (ExHSP70-FITC) or BSA (ExBSA-FITC) and examined for the presence of intracellular HSP70-FITC (or BSA-FITC) (green). Hair cells were labeled with an antibody against myosin 7a (red). Neither ExHSP70-FITC nor ExBSA-FITC was internalized by hair cells, although supporting cells internalized small amounts of both exogenous proteins. Scale bar: 10 μm (applies to all panels). Orth, orthogonal.