Figure 3. NIMA functions in concert with An-Vps23 to maintain cell tip apical dominance.
(A) Representative images show enhanced defects in maintaining apical dominance in the double mutant (nimA7 + ΔAn-vps23) compared to either single mutant. (B) Quantitation of cell tip morphology defects (loss of apical dominance and cell tip swelling). (C) Quantitation of number of additional tips at the cell apex as a measure of the severity of tip morphology defect in the double mutant. Only cells that show appreciable defects in tip morphology as seen in (B) are represented. Strains: WT = R153, nimA7 = MG71, ΔAn-vps23 = MGH21, nimA7 + ΔAn-vps23 = MGH19.