Figure 5. The NIMA kinase localizes to growing cell tips.
(A) NIMA-GFP exhibits a dome-shaped localization at the tips of growing hyphal cells (strain: KF45). See also Movie 1 in supporting material. (B) The average percentage signal intensity for NIMA-GFP (KF45) or GFP-S-Tag (CDS1068) along a ROI drawn across the cell tip. The background fluorescence signal from untagged cells was subtracted and the signal was normalized to the signal inside the cell (taking the first value on the X axis as 100%). (C) Increase in NIMA-GFP signal seen at 70% of the cell tips after depolymerization of actin by latrunculin B (strain: KF45). (D) Quantitation of the percentage of NIMA-GFP signal in cells that exhibited an increase in NIMA at the cell tips after treatment with latrunculin B (n = 19). Normalization of GFP signal was done as in (B). Bars, 5 μm.