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. 2014 Mar 27;9(3):e93014. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093014

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of respondents age 18+ years by smoking status.

2010 NHIS 2011 NHWS
(n = 27,157) (n = 50,000)
All current smokers Former smokers‡‡ Never smokers‡‡‡ All current smokers§ Former smokers§§ Never smokers§§§
Unweighted sample size 5,147 5,737 16,083 8,138 15,142 26,720
Projected number of adults 44,113,885 49,472,964 134,405,737 42,184,197 66,493,664 119,681,015
Percentage of all adults 19% 22% 59% 18% 29% 52%
Row percentage Row percentage
[95% confidence interval] [95% confidence interval]
Male (%) 21.5 25.5 53.0 20.5 30.8 48.7
[20.6–22.4] [24.5–26.5] [51.8–54.2] [19.9–21.1] [30.1–31.5] [48.0–49.5]
Female (%) 17.3 18.2 64.5 16.6 27.6 55.8
[16.5–18.1] [17.5–18.9] [63.5–65.5] [16.1–17.1] [27.0–28.2] [55.2–56.5]
18–44 years (%) 21.5 12.7 65.8 18.7 21.1 60.3
[20.5–22.5] [12.0–13.4] [64.7–66.9] [18.1–19.3] [20.4–21.6] [59.6–61.1]
45–64 years (%) 21.1 25.6 53.3 22.2 29.6 48.1
[20.1–22.1] [24.5–26.7] [52.0–54.6] [21.6–22.9] [28.9–30.3] [47.3–48.9]
65–74 years (%) 13.0 39.5 47.5 12.7 49.9 37.4
[11.6–14.4] [37.3–41.7] [45.3–49.7] [11.9–13.6] [48.6–51.2] [36.2–38.7]
75+ years (%) 5.1 39.2 55.7 6.9 52.9 40.2
[4.0–6.2] [36.9–41.5] [53.4–58.1] [5.7–8.4] [50.3–55.4] [37.7–42.8]
Non-Hispanic White (%) 21.0 25.0 54.0 18.6 31.3 50.0
[20.2–21.8] [24.2–25.8] [53.0–55.1] [18.2–19.1] [30.9–31.9] [49.4–50.4]
Non-Hispanic Black (%) 20.6 14.0 65.5 19.4 21.5 59.1
[19.2–22.0] [12.8–15.2] [63.8–67.2] [18.1–20.7] [20.1–23.0] [57.5–60.8]
Hispanic or Latino (%) 12.5 14.7 72.9 18.1 26.1 55.8
[11.4–13.6] [13.5–15.9] [71.4–74.4] [16.7–19.6] [24.5–27.8] [53.9–57.6]
Non-Hispanic Asian (%) 9.2 12.6 78.2 12.1 18.5 69.4
[10.8–13.6] [16.6–20.5] [67.2–71.5]
Non-Hispanic Other (%) 27.4 25.8 46.8 21.7 35.1 43.2
[19.3–24.2] [32.3–38.1] [40.3–46.2]
Northeast (%) 17.4 23.3 59.3 18.3 29.3 52.3
[16.0–18.8] [21.7–24.9] [57.4–61.2] [17.4–19.3] [28.3–30.4] [51.2–53.5]
Midwest (%) 21.8 22.3 55.9 19.9 28.6 51.5
[20.4–23.2] [21.1–23.5] [54.4–57.4] [19.0–20.7] [27.7–29.5] [50.5–52.5]
South (%) 21.0 20.9 58.1 18.6 28.9 52.4
[19.9–22.1] [19.8–22.0] [56.8–59.4] [18.0–19.3] [28.1–29.8] [51.6–53.3]
West (%) 15.9 21.1 63.0 16.8 29.8 53.4
[14.7–17.1] [19.8–22.4] [61.2–64.8] [15.9–17.7] [28.9–30.9] [52.3–54.6]

Comparison between the 2010 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and the 2011 National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS).

Note. Presented are row percentages (summing to 100% across columns), and in brackets are 95% confidence intervals for the row percentages. Data in this table are based on two questions in the NHIS: “Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?” and “Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?”

Source: Schiller et al., 2012 [15]. Race/ethnicity was recoded from variables (HISPAN_I; RACERPI2) to create mutually exclusive groups, summing to total adults. Percentages were from Table XV. Confidence intervals were manually calculated based on the standard errors as noted in Table XV; they could not be determined for non-Hispanic Asian and non-Hispanic Other, as standard errors were not available for these subgroups.

Current smokers have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and still currently smoke. Every day smokers are current smokers who smoke every day, while some day smokers are current smokers who smoke on some days.


Former smokers are persons who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime but currently do not smoke at all.


Nonsmokers are persons who have never smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime.


Current smokers defined as those who responded, “Yes, I smoke” or, “Yes, but I am trying to quit.”


Former smokers defined as those who responded, “No, I quit smoking” or, “No, I am in the process of quitting.”


Nonsmokers defined as those who responded, “No” to the question, “Have you ever smoked cigarettes?”