Table 2.
Region | Overall SVM weight |
R Middle frontal gyrus* | 5.99 |
R Supplementary motor area* | 5.87 |
R Inferior parietal lobule* | 5.13 |
L Inferior parietal Lobule | 4.84 |
L Inferior frontal gyrus | 3.83 |
L Middle frontal gyrus | 3.47 |
L Medial frontal gyrus | 3.40 |
R Medial frontal gyrus | 3.2 |
L Superior frontal gyrus | 3.20 |
L Supplementary motor area | 3.02 |
L Superior frontal gyrus | 2.26 |
R Inferior frontal gyrus | 1.67 |
Indicates regions with overall contribution of 1 SD greater than mean.
ROI = region of interest; C+ = chemotherapy-treated; treated; HC = healthy control SVM, support vector machine.