A) Incidence of acute gastroenteritis (AGE) hospitalizations per 10,000 child-years among commercially insured US infants and children, 8–20 months of age, individual years following vaccine introduction (2007–2010) versus prevaccine years combined (2001–2005). Solid line, 2001–2005; dashed and dotted line, 2007; small dashed line, 2008; large dashed line, 2009; dotted line, 2010. B) Incidence of AGE hospitalizations per 10,000 child-years among commercially insured US infants and children, 8–20 months of age, individual prevaccine years (2001–2005). Solid line, 2001; dashed and dotted line, 2002; small dashed line, 2003; large dashed line, 2004; dotted line, 2005.