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. 2014 Mar;133(3):729–738.e18. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.09.039

Table E6.

Component loading of selected variables

1 2 3
RB1 LA/BSA 0.949* 0.020 0.117
RB1 LV 0.935 0.021 −0.024
RB1 TA 0.905 0.050 0.231
RB1 WA/BSA 0.876 0.021 0.249
RB1 WV 0.831 0.045 0.049
RB1 % WV −0.682 0.035 0.180
MLD E/I 0.054 0.937* −0.101
VI-850/−950 E-I −0.102 0.901 0.090
Expiratory VI −850 0.138 0.757 −0.427
Expiratory LAC-D −850 −0.063 −0.301 0.745*
Inspiratory Dav 0.244 0.054 0.610

Rotated component matrix

Extraction method: principal component analysis

Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization

Component loading of the 11 original variables with the 3 main components derived by means of factor analysis in the 62 asthmatic patients is shown, with the predominant variable in each component indicated by an asterisk.

LAC-D −850, Fractal dimension of low attenuation cluster at a threshold of −850 HU; TA, total area.