Table 7.
Specification checks (N = 278,848 unless otherwise noted)
Hospitalized within 90 days | Hospitalized within 180 days | |
Base line model | −0.0309*** (−3.269) | −0.0485*** (−4.107) |
Excluded hospital based nursing homes (N = 271,904) | −0.0272*** (−2.871) | −0.0439*** (−3.717) |
Urban NHs only (N = 210,981) | −0.0464*** (−3.182) | −0.0723*** (−3.866) |
Rural NHs only (N = 67,867) | −0.0183 (−1.564) | −0.0319** (−2.160) |
Include health referral region fixed effects | −0.0278*** (−2.759) | −0.0443*** (−3.492) |
Include government facilities (N = 296,249) | −0.0290*** (−2.989) | −0.0439*** (−3.604) |
Binary DD measure (above/below) median | −0.0285*** (−3.117) | −0.0508*** (−4.375) |
Logged values of DD measure | −0.0371*** (−4.764) | −0.0605*** (−6.181) |
Exclude NHs in same zip code as resident prior address (N = 196,309) | −0.0543*** (−2.922) | −0.0690*** (−2.828) |
Supply of NH beds included in the model (N = 267,934) | −0.0340*** (−3.282) | −0.0542*** (−4.154) |
Results are presented as marginal effects. Full multinomial results available upon request. Models include all the covariates reported in Table 1 and state fixed effects unless otherwise noted. Robust t-statistics clustered at the zip code-level are reported in parentheses. DD Differential distance, NH nursing home