Figure 4. SCH727965 attenuates nuclear XBP-1s accumulation.
(A) J558 cells were exposed to SCH727965 5 nM for 3h, after which cells were harvested. Nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions were separated as described in Material and Methods. H3 was used as a nuclear loading control. (B) 8226 cells were treated with 1μM Tg alone or in combination with SCH727965 (5 nM) for 4h, after which cells were separated using a nuclear extraction kit, with p84 serving as a nuclear marker. (C) J558 cells were exposed to SCH727965 5 nM for 3h, after which cells were harvested and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde followed by confocal microscopy (magnification 10-100X) to monitor XPB-1s (blue-DAPI: nuclear, green: XBP-1s).