Figure 6.
Tumor responses in athymic nude-mice (n=8–10/group) bearing L363 (a, b) or NCI-H929 (c, d) right flank MM xenografts. Mice received 1.4 nmol (300 µg) of OKT10-CC or BHV1-CC (control) and CA [5.8 nmol (50 µg)]. Treatment groups received 90Y-DOTA-biotin 24hr after the OKT10-CC at doses of 400 µCi (14.9 MBq), 800 µCi (29.6 MBq) & 1200 µCi (44.4MBq); and at doses of 800 µCi and 1200 µCi for the BHV1-CC control groups. (a) Mice were monitored thrice weekly for tumor volume measurements and were euthanized when tumors were ≥10% of body weight or when ulceration occurred as mandated by the institutional animal care committee. (Curves are truncated at the time the first animal was euthanized in each group). A dose dependent regression of MM tumor xenografts is demonstrated. (b) Kaplan-Meier analysis of cumulative survival of mice bearing L363 MM xenografts. (c) NCI-H929 treatment groups received 800 µCi (29.6 MBq) of 90Y-DOTA-biotin 24hr after the OKT10-CC or BHV1-CC (control group). Complete regression of MM tumor xenografts in the OKT10-CC group is demonstrated. (d) Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of mice bearing NCI-H929 MM xenografts.