Figure 5. The A allele of rs13306421 generates a greater proportion of full length 11β-HSD1 in vitro.
(A) Representative autoradiograph showing 35S-labelled products of in vitro transcription-translation of 11β-HSD1 carried out with 3 independent preparations of each of the A and G allele of rs13306421 (indicated above the lanes; G1–G3 and A1–A3). An arrowhead indicates full length 11β-HSD1 and the arrow indicates the largest of the truncated products.
(B and C) Quantification by phosphorimager showing more full-length non-glycosylated 11β-HSD1 produced from the A allele (white bars) than the G allele (black bars) of rs13306421 (B), but less of the largest truncated product from the A allele (C). Levels of the 2 smaller truncated products did not differ significantly between the A and G alleles. Data are means ± sem (n=3) and are expressed relative to the normal G allele, arbitrarily set to 100%. Significance was tested with unpaired Student’s t-test; *, p<0.05, ** p<0.01.