Dependence of PKCα membrane binding and kinase activation,
and domain membrane binding, on lipid composition. (A and D–F)
Single-molecule TIRF quantitation of binding of constructs to supported
lipid bilayers, normalized to the same total protein concentration
(1 pM). A given construct was added to the imaging chamber containing
the indicated supported bilayer (Table 1),
and then the density of fluorescent protein binding per unit area
was quantitated. Each average was determined from 20 temporally isolated
frames from three separate movie streams in at least five separate
experiments (n ≥ 15). The free Ca2+ concentration was 6 μM in a physiological buffer (Materials and Methods). (B) Total kinase activity
of fluorescently labeled PKCα measured by a modified PepTag
(Promega) assay (Materials and Methods). The
enzyme was activated by membranes containing the same lipid compositions
as the binding density measurements, and PKC-specific phosphorylation
of the PepTag target peptide was quantitated by electrophoresis. Each
condition was repeated twice in duplicate (n = 4)
and separate experiments using varying PKCα and/or lipid concentrations
confirmed that enzyme saturation did not occur. (C) Specific activity
of PKCα determined by the ratio of kinase activity to binding
density under each bilayer condition. In all experiments, T = 22 ± 0.5 °C. In this and subsequent figures,
an average parameter determined from purely single molecule data is
indicated by < parameter >.