Spike time spreading in a single neuron over time and in a population. A. Experimental trace for 1:2 locking. B. Single neuron over time. For a single neuron being periodically forced at 1:2 over many cycles, the second spike after the stimulus is much less tightly locked to the stimulus than the first. C. Snapshot of spike times within a population during one cycle of low frequency forcing. In an idealized scenario, the first spike times are perfectly synchronized and the distribution of spike times ρt,0 is a delta function. Since the period of each neuron is a random process, on any given cycle, there is a Gaussian distribution of the interval until the next spike. Subsequent spike times become more spread out, as shown by the distribution ρt,1 for the first set of spikes times and ρt,2 for the second, until the next forcing input is received to reestablish synchrony. The mean period for the population is denoted by μ.