Fig 5.
Typical coronal sections from a control (A) and a cisplatin treated rat (B) immunolabeled with an antibody against Ki67 and counterstained with cresyl violet. In controls (A) Ki67 immunopositive nuclei (arrows) were present in the SGZ of the dentate gyrus. Insert in upper, right of panel A shows a cluster of Ki67 positive cells from the region with the asterisk (p<0.001, ***). Ki67 labeling was almost completely absent from the hippocampus 2 days after cisplatin treatment. (C) Histogram showing the mean (n=3/group, SEM) numbers of Ki67 positive cells per mm length of the SGZ. Ki67 immunolabeling was significantly (t=35.67 & df =2) reduced 2 days post-cisplatin relative to controls.