Figure 5.
CD206-positive macrophages are closely associated with improved vascularity. A, B, At 2 weeks postinjury, the numerous CD206-positive cells (green) in the injury epicenter of LV-ChABC-treated cords were closely associated with VEGF (red), compared with LV-GFP-treated cords where few CD206-positive cells were observed in the epicenter and VEGF was concentrated mainly around the lesion border (boxed areas shown at high magnification in a' and b'). LV-ChABC-treated cords were also double stained for CD206 (green) and the endothelial cell marker RECA-1 (red), revealing CD206-positive areas that were highly vascularized in the injury epicenter (C and c' high magnification) and perilesional and meningeal blood vessels which contained CD206-positive cells at sites more distal to the injury (D and d' high magnification). Scale bars: (in A) A, B, 200 μm; (in C) C, D, 200 μm.