Figure 5.
Pairwise distributions for six influential Q10 parameters in robust models (SSTDC < 0.01) shown for all six maximal conductance parameter sets (#0–5). Histograms along the diagonal show the individual Q10 distributions (as in Fig. 5). These are estimates of marginal probability distributions, p(x) for each Q10 parameter. Blue-to-red plots above the histograms are 2D histograms showing all pairwise distributions (red areas = high density, blue areas = low density). These are estimates of joint probability distributions, p(x,y), for each pair of Q10 parameters. Blue-to-gray-to-pink plots below the histograms show the difference between the observed joint distribution and the expected joint distribution under the assumption of that the two marginal distributions are independent events; that is, these show the quantity p(x,y) − p(x)p(y). Pink and blue areas represent regions where there were more or fewer solutions than expected, respectively. All color scales are consistent within panels, but are scaled between panels to illustrate the trends independent of the total number of successful models in each maximal conductance set.