Expression of GluK1, GluK2, ADAR1, and ADAR2 mRNA in acutely prepared DRG and dorsal horn neurons. (A) total mRNA were isolated from tissues, reverse transcribed and the transcripts of interest then amplified using PCR. The PCR products were run on a gel and visualized using ethidium bromide staining. (B) Table showing expression of GluK and ADAR transcripts in DRG neurons relative to dorsal horn neurons. Quantification was carried out using qPCR and the ΔΔCT method. Data are displayed as fold expression in DRG neurons relative to dorsal horn neurons. GluK1 is more prevalent in DRG neurons and GluK2 in dorsal horn neurons. GluK1b splice form more prevalent in DRG neurons, whereas GluK2a is most prevalent in dorsal horn neurons. Both types of ADAR and ADAR are more prevalent in dorsal horns neurons.