CsA modulates Bcl-xL and pBad protein expression in ischemic retina. Vehicle or CsA treatment was begun daily until 1 day before the induction of transient retinal ischemia and continued for 12 h. (a) Vehicle-treated ischemic retina did not change Bcl-xL protein expression but significantly increased pBad protein expression in ischemic retina at 12 h compared with vehicle-treated non-ischemic contralateral control retina. However, CsA treatment significantly decreased pBad protein expression in ischemic retina, but there was no statistically significant difference in Bcl-xL protein expression at 12 h compared with vehicle-treated ischemic retina. Values are mean±S.D. (n=4 retinas per group). *Significant at P<0.05 compared with vehicle-treated non-ischemic contralateral control retina or vehicle-treated ischemic retina. (b–d) Bcl-xL immunohistochemistry. In vehicle-treated non-ischemic contralateral control retina, Bcl-xL immunoreactivity was localized in RGCs of the GCL (arrows) as well as in the OPL, INL and IPL. Interestingly, vehicle-treated ischemic retina showed less Bcl-xL immunoreactivity in RGCs of the GCL compared with non-ischemic control retina. However, CsA treatment showed a partial preservation of Bcl-xL immunoreactivity in RGCs of the GCL (arrows) in ischemic retina. Scale bar, 20 μm (all panels)