Table 1.
Sample | WT | KO |
Clean reads | 53 001 728 (100.0%) | 53 138 030 (100.0%) |
Mapped reads | 46 152 593 (87.1%) | 45 354 730 (85.4%) |
Unique mapped readsa | 45 512 948 (98.6%) | 44 766 437 (98.7%) |
Multi-mapped readsb | 639 645 (1.4%) | 588 293 (1.3%) |
Junction readsc | 15 314 481 (33.2%) | 15 505 045 (34.2%) |
Unmapped reads | 6 847 282 (12.9%) | 7 782 321 (14.6%) |
aThat include paired-end reads with an unalignable mate.
bWith multiple alignments.
cAll junction reads have ≥3 offset alignments.