Figure 1.
The DNA sequences and the T–HgII–T base pair. (a) The DNA oligomers 1, 2 and 3. (B) The DNA duplex 1•2 with residue numbers. The definition of left and right segments is depicted. (c) The control DNA duplex 1•3 with residue numbers. (d) The reaction scheme for T–HgII–T base pair formation (the proton–HgII exchange reaction) and 2-bond 15N–15N J-coupling (2JNN) (23). (e) The schematic representation of the model used in ONIOM QM/QM calculation of thermodynamic parameters. The DNA(T–T) and DNA(T–HgII–T) stand for HgII-free and HgII-bound three base-paired (3 bp) duplex.