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. 2014 Apr 2;9(4):e92938. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092938

Table 2. Basic professional attitudes, belief in and use of CAM therapies.

GPs Internists Orthopaedists
Basic professional attitudes (1 = strong agreement, 4 = strong disagreement; n = 897)
Scale orthodox views (5 items) 2.05 (1.99; 2.11) 1.80 (1.75; 1.86) 2.06 (2.01; 2.12)
Scale heterodox views (3 items) 2.37 (2.30; 2.44) 2.89 (2.81; 2.95) 2.56 (2.50; 2.62)
Scale time/patient-doctor relationship (4 items) 1.57 (1.52; 1.63) 1.71 (1.65; 1.77) 1.67 (1.61; 1.73)
Single item harnessing placebo effects 1.85 (1.75; 1.94) 1.96 (1.87; 2.05) 1.98 (1.89; 2.07)
Average CAM belief (1 = only placebo, 5 = specifically active; n = 873)
Summary scale 7 therapies 3.49 (3.41; 3.58) 3.08 (2.99; 3.17) 3.51 (3.44; 3.58)
Number of CAM therapies used more often than once per week (n = 874)
- none 46 (15%; 11 to 19%)) 148 (52%; 45 to 57%) 11 (4%; 2 to 6%)
- one 51 (17%; 13 to 21%) 80 (28%; 23 to 33%) 31 (11%; 8 to 15%)
- two 82 (27%; 23 to 33%) 28 (10%; 7 to 13%) 93 (33%; 28 to 39%)
- three to four 90 (19%; 24 to 35%)) 26 (9%; 6 to 13%) 95 (34%; 29 to 39%)
- five to seven 35 (11%; 8 to 15%) 5 (2%; 0 to 4%) 50 (18%; 14 to 22%)

Values are means (95%-CI) or absolute frequencies (percentages; 95%CI).