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. 2014 Mar 27;8:89. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2014.00089

Table 1.

A selection of known coding/non-coding or coding/coding gene or protein–protein interactions involved in neurodegenerative diseases, derived from the current literature.

Gene_ID ncRNA ? TGT_ID ncRNA ? Interaction_type Direction Pos/Neg Reference
A51 Y SORL1 N Alternative_splicing > ? Ma et al. (2009)
BACE1-AS Y BACE1 N Post-transcriptionally_activate > + Faghihi et al. (2008)
17A Y GABA B2 N Alternative_splicing > ? Massone et al. (2011)
NMD29 Y APP N Promotes_amyloid beta > + Massone et al. (2012)
HAR1F Y REST N Repress_transcription < - Johnson et al. (2010)
HAR1R Y REST N Repress_transcription < - Johnson et al. (2010)
BDNFOS Y BDNF N Post-transcriptionally_repress > - Ferrer et al. (2000)
UCHL1-AS Y UCHL1 N Post-transcriptionally_activate > + Carrieri et al. (2012)
HTTAS Y HTT N Post-transcriptionally_repress > - Chung et al. (2011)
BACE1 N APP N Promotes_amyloid beta > ? Goedert and Spillantini (2006)
HTT N BDNF N Promotes_transport > + Gauthier et al. (2004)
UCHL1 N APP N Unknown ? ? Cottrell et al. (2005)
HTT N REST N Promotes_proper_localization > + Zuccato et al. (2003)

The first and third columns report the source and target genes for a given interaction. The second and fourth column report whether the gene or the target is a non-coding RNA. The fifth column reports a range of classified interaction types which have been created “ad hoc” from what is available from the literature. The sixth column reports the direction of the interaction, the seventh column whether this is a positive or a negative interaction, and the last column reports the relevant reference.