Figure 6. The VPS41 Clathrin Heavy Chain Repeat Is Required for Regulated Secretion.
(A) Model of VPS41 showing the putative AP-3 binding site at the N terminus as well as the CHCR at the C terminus. The ΔC mutant contains residues 1–595 and ΔN36 residues 37–853.
(B) PC12 cells were cotransfected with control or VPS41 siRNAs, ANF-GFP, and RNAi-resistant VPS41 full-length (WT) and C-terminal deletion (ΔC) rescue constructs where indicated, and ANF-GFP secretion was measured as described in Figure 1E. *p < 0.05 relative to stimulated secretion from control (n = 3–4). Bar graphs represent mean ± SEM.
(C) Western analysis of the HA-tagged, RNAi-resistant constructs transfected in duplicate into PC12 cells shows equivalent expression of WT and ΔC VPS41.
(D) PC12 cells were cotransfected with control or VPS41 siRNAs, ANF-GFP, and RNAi-resistant WT or ΔN36 VPS41, and ANF-GFP secretion measured as described in Figure 1E. *p < 0.05 by ANOVA followed by Tukey posthoc testing, relative to stimulated secretion from control (n = 4). Bar graphs represent mean ± SEM.