Secondary torques associated with the primary torque direction task of wrist extension, with standard error bars. A significant effect of group-limb was found in the shoulder (F=19.710, p=0.003) and elbow (F=14.122, p=0.026) using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Significant post-hoc comparisons, where p<0.05, are shown with red bars above the graph. Also shown are muscles colored to represent percentages of maximal EMG activity where differences were found between groups. These muscles include middle deltoid (Kruskal-Wallis, H=18.565, p=0.010), anterior deltoid (Kruskal-Wallis, H=15.797, p=0.015), triceps brachii long head (ANOVA, F=3.847, p=0.003), brachioradialis (Kruskal-Wallis, H=11.071, p=0.086), combined wrist and finger extensors (ANOVA, F=29.952, p<0.001), and combined wrist and finger flexors (ANOVA, F=3.097, p=0.011).