Wild running behavior, audiogenic seizures, and elevated c-Fos expression in the inferior colliculus of Scly−/−Sepp1−/− mice.
A, mean (± S.E.) speed prior to 85-dB white noise and in the 10-s period immediately after start of 85-dB white noise. B, images from video tracking software showing the path traveled prior to sound and during the 10-s following onset of sound. C, representative images showing c-Fos expression in the hippocampus (left column) and inferior colliculus (middle and right columns) of wild-type (top row), Sepp1−/− (middle row), and Scly−/−Sepp1−/− mice (bottom row) with higher magnification images of the inferior colliculus on the far right. D, mean (± S.E.) density of c-Fos positive cells per mm3 (n = 3 per genotype) in the brain regions investigated. Abbreviations: DG, dentate gyrus; MGN, medial geniculate nucleus; MS, medial septum; SC, somatosensory cortex; SN, substantia nigra. *, p < 0.05; ***, p < 0.001 compared with wild-type; ###, p < 0.001 compared with Sepp1−/−. Error bars represent S.E.