Table 5.
Effect of Casino Transfers on Height in Centimeters: Individual Fixed-Effects Panel Regression
Variables | Height in centimeters (1) |
Height in centimeters (2) |
Household eligible for casino disbursement | 0.191 | −0.910 |
(0.404) | (0.688) | |
Interaction of casino × average household income | 0.230* | |
(0.129) | ||
Number of children in household less than six years old than six years old | −0.123 | −0.135 |
(0.231) | (0.231) | |
Constant | 170.6*** | 170.6*** |
(1.413) | (1.409) | |
Observations | 4,585 | 4,585 |
R2 | 0.568 | 0.568 |
Number of individuals | 1,268 | 1,268 |
Notes Clustered standard errors at the individual level in parentheses. Included in all specifications but not reported are: age-by-race fixed effects and a Native American-specific time trend. Household income is a categorical variable where each bin is $5,000 in size. The lowest category, for instance, goes from 0 to $5,000. The second bin goes from $5,001 to $10,000, etc.
Significant at the 1 percent level.
Significant at the 5 percent level.
Significant at the 10 percent level.