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. 2014 Apr 3;17(1):18802. doi: 10.7448/IAS.17.1.18802

Table 2.

Model results of a cross-lagged regression on state of hope over time (N=309)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Hope (T1) Hope (T2) Hope (T1) Hope (T2) Hope (T1) Hope (T2)
State of hope
 Hope (T1) 0.180* 0.186* 0.207*
 PAS −0.174 −0.127 −0.178 −0.123 −0.187 −0.131
Family functioning
 FACI8 (T1) 0.085 −0.034 0.152 0.205
 FACI8 (T2) 0.103 −0.331
Interaction term
 PAS*FACI8 (T1) −0.122 −0.330
 PAS*FACI8 (T2) 0.560*
Control variables (time constant)
 Education level 0.089 0.166* 0.095 0.162* 0.097 0.164*
 Age 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.007
 Sex −0.147 0.026 −0.143 0.020 −0.148 0.032
 Nutritional support −0.006 −0.129 −0.015 −0.127 −0.010 −0.123
 CD4 count at baseline 0.000 0.000 0.000 −0.001 0.000 −0.001
 Treatment duration (days) −0.001* −0.001 −0.001 −0.001 −0.001 −0.001
Control variables (T1)
 Household size 0.020 0.071 0.025 0.072 0.026 0.069
 Sex of household head −0.013 −0.127 −0.018 −0.131 −0.020 −0.173
 Education level of household head 0.007 −0.110 0.004 −0.112 0.004 −0.103
 Side effects −0.096 −0.024 −0.104 −0.021 −0.103 −0.003
 Real per capita monthly household expenditure 0.000 0.000** 0.000 0.000** 0.000 0.000**
 Keep HIV a secret 0.048 0.017 0.042 0.020 0.044 0.030
 Intermittent use of ART −0.682** 0.228 −0.679** 0.254 −0.680** 0.263
 CD4 count 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
 Anxiety and depression −0.027** −0.006 −0.026* −0.005 −0.025* −0.003
Control variables (T2)
 Household size −0.053 −0.052 −0.046
 Sex of household head 0.159 0.153 0.192
 Education level of household head 0.086 0.086 0.084
 Side effects −0.288 −0.292 −0.291
 Real per capita monthly household expenditure 0.000 0.000 0.000
 Keep HIV a secret −0.249* −0.256* −0.247*
 Intermittent use of ART −0.605* −0.619* −0.539*
 CD4 count 0.000 0.000 0.000
 Anxiety and depression −0.023* −0.023* −0.025*
RMSEA 0.045 0.039
CFI 0.893 0.835
SRMR 0.049 0.064
Chi2 (df, p) 781.019 (482, p=0.000) 2719.483 (1859, p=0.000)
BIC 22951.945 48947.453 48949.189
AIC 22892.401 48835.667 48835.718


