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. 2014 Mar 28;171(8):2230–2242. doi: 10.1111/bph.12494

Table 3.

Metabolites significantly different between Rs and NRs taking lithium in the ketamine arm of the therapy

Compound RT (min) Measured mass (Da) Mass error (p.p.m.) Molecular formula MS/MS fragments FC (%) in NRs P value CV (%) for QCs
 1 Phenyllactic acid, § 13.58 166.0623 −4.2 C9H10O3 167.07, 149.06, 121.03, 95.05, 77.04 47.9 0.028 5.1
 2 N6,N6,N6-Trimethyl-L-lysine 0.61 188.1509 −10.1 C9H20N2O2 189.16, 173.02, 130.09, 84.08 −22.9 JK 19.7
 3 MG (16:0) 27.67 330.2765 −1.5 C19H38O4 331.28,313.27, 257.24, 239.24, 123.11, 109.10, 95.08, 85.10, 83.08, 81.07, 71.09, 57.07 12.4 JK 12.1
 4 MG (16:0) 28.38 330.2772 0.6 C19H38O4 331.28,313.27, 257.24, 239.24, 123.11, 109.10, 95.08, 85.10, 71.09, 57.07 12.9 JK 7.9
 5 LPE (18:2) 17.46 477.2854 −0.2 C23H44NO7P 478.30, 337.27, 81.07 −39.1 JK 8.1
 6 LPE (18:2) 18.12 477.2852 −0.7 C23H44NO7P 478.29, 338.28, 337.27, 306.28, 135.11, 95.08, 81.07, 62.06 −46.1 0.029 3.2
 7 LPE (18:1) 20.64 479.3006 −1.2 C23H46NO7P 480.31, 340.30, 339.29, 308.29, 155.01, 62.06 −19.8 JK 2.8
 8 LPE (22:6) 18.13 525.2848 −1.4 C27H44NO7P 526.28, 385.27, 93.10, 79.06, 62.06 25.2 JK 3.3
 9 LPC (16:1)§ 16.94 493.3163 −1.1 C24H48NO7P 494.32, 476.31, 184.07, 104.11, 86.10 −39.8 0.031 6.5
10 LPC (16:0) 19.06 495.3331 1.2 C24H50NO7P 496.33, 184.07, 86.10 −14.2 JK 7.6
11 LPC (16:0) 19.87 495.3337 2.4 C24H50NO7P 496.34, 184.07, 104.11, 86.10 −6.3 JK 4.1
12 LPC (18:2) 17.63 519.3325 0.0 C23H48NO7P 520.34, 184.07, 86.10 −16.8 JK 11.2
13 LPC (18:2) 18.29 519.3334 1.8 C23H48NO7P 520.34, 502.33, 184.07, 104.11, 86.10 −19.8 JK 10.8
14 LPC (20:3) 19.77 545.3479 −0.4 C28H52NO7P 546.35, 184.07, 104.11, 86.10 −56.0 JK 16.7
15 LPC (20:2) 21.88 547.3622 −2.9 C28H54NO7P 548.37, 184.07, 104.11, 86.10 −22.3 JK 17.9
16 LPC (22:6) 17.75 567.3311 −2.5 C30H50NO7P 568.34, 184.07, 86.10 36.0 0.042 13.8
17 LPC (22:6) 18.27 567.3320 −0.9 C30H50NO7P 568.34, 184.07, 104.11, 86.10 33.1 JK 19.2
18 Unknown§ 7.35 162.1038 C11H15O 163.11, 135.08, 107.05 41.5 0.026 5.1

Note: FC, fold change; FC was calculated as follows: (Average [NRs] – Average [Rs])/Average [Rs] × 100); +/–-increase/decrease in NRs compared with Rs; Unknown, compound which MS/MS spectra was not interpretable or not informative.

Confirmed also by standard


Found in the comparison of Rs and NRs in combined subgroups (Li + VPA) in the same direction;

In MS/MS fragments the underlined number refers to the most abundant fragment observed.

MG, monoglyceride; LPE, lysophosphatidylethanolamine; LPC, lysophosphatidylcholine, these entities has been named with the number of carbon of the fatty acid attached to the backbone and the number of unsaturation, for example, LPC (16:1); JK, jack-knife analysis.

Li, lithium; NR, non-responders; R, responders; VPA, valproate.