Fig. 1. Analysis of genes encoding BiP/GRP78 and its downstream effector proteins in neural retina and brain of σR1+/+ and σR1−/− mice.
mRNA of neural retina or brain was isolated from σR1+/+ (WT) and σR1−/− (KO) mice at 4 days, 6, 24, 32 and 52 weeks; qRT-PCR was performed to analyze the expression in retina of (a) BiP, (b) Perk, (c) Atf6, (d) Ire1α normalized to 18S and the expression in brain of (e) BiP, (f) Perk, (g) Atf6, (h) Ire1α. Proteins from neural retinas of 1 year mice were isolated and subjected to immunoblotting to detect major proteins implicated in the ER stress response (i) BiP, (j) Perk, (k) Atf6, (l) Ire1α. Proteins were isolated also from neural retinas of 2 year mice and subjected to immunoblotting to detect major (m) BiP, (n) Perk, (o) Atf6, (p) Ire1α. Band densities were normalized to β-actin and densitometric analysis of the bands are provided below each set of blots.