Establishment of a novel hepatoma cell line HLCZ01. (A) H&E-stained section of moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma from a surgical resection specimen. (B) Morphology of the HLCZ01 cell line derived from hepatocellular carcinoma. (C) Detection of the markers of human hepatocytes by real-time PCR. Total cellular RNA was isolated from HLCZ01, Huh7, and HepG2 cells and from PHH. Human AAT, ALB, HNF4, and CYP3A4 mRNA were detected by real-time-PCR and normalized with GAPDH; miR-122 was determined by real-time PCR and normalized to U6. (D) HLCZ01 cells express the liver-specific proteins AAT and ALB. Protein was isolated from HLCZ01, Huh7, and CHO cells and from PHH. AAT and ALB were detected by Western blot.