FIG 5 .
A derived haplotype at the Nc_nmr6 locus (NCU00789) is associated with a gene expression program that mirrors the response to nitrogen starvation. (A) Alignment and insets are as in Fig. 4A, except that a polymorphic region of Nc_nmr6 is shown. (B and C) In a given panel, each row reports expression of one gene for which expression of the N. crassa ortholog was significantly associated with the genotype at Nc_nmr6 across Louisiana strains (nominal P < 0.05; see Materials and Methods for association test details), and expression of the M. grisea ortholog changed >2-fold upon nitrogen starvation in a laboratory strain (33). For a given row, the left column reports the log2 of the average expression level of the respective gene among Louisiana strains bearing the derived haplotype of Nc_nmr6, relative to the analogous average across strains with the ancestral haplotype; the right column reports the log2 of the expression of the respective gene in nitrogen-starved M. grisea, relative to the analogous measurement in untreated cells. (B) Genes for which the derived haplotype of Nc_nmr6 was associated with high expression relative to the ancestral haplotype. (C) Genes for which the derived haplotype of Nc_nmr6 was associated with low expression relative to the ancestral haplotype. For ease of visualization, all association effect sizes in panels B and C were normalized by a multiplicative factor of 5.