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. 2014 Mar 20;2014:945169. doi: 10.1155/2014/945169

Table 1.

miRNAs regulated by TLRs.

miRNA TLRs Signalling molecules Transcription factors/cofactors Cell types Stimulus Reference
 miR-146a TLR2, TLR3,
MyD88 NF-κB (P65) THP1 cells, BMDMs, T cells, neural cells, MΦ, DCs, epithelial cells, PMN LPS, TNF-α, IL-1β, LMP1, H2O2, VSV, RIG-I [1935]
 miR-155 TLR2, TLR3,
MyD88, TRIF, KSRP AP-1 (Fos/Jun), NF-κB (P65/P50)
BMDMs, THP1 cells, DCs, monocytes, MΦ, Treg cells LPS, LMP1, TNF-α, KSHV, H. pylori, IFN-β, oxidized LDL, alcohol [19, 28, 30, 33, 34, 3648]
 miR-132 TLR2, TLR4, TLR9 ND cREB THP1 cells, splenocytes, MΦ, monocytes, BMDMs, KSHV [19, 4951]
 miR-223 TLR4 ND ND Inflamed lung tissue, DCs ND [19, 38, 5256]
 miR-147 TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 MyD88, TRIF NF-κB, IRF3 BMDMs, RAW264.7 cells, THP1 cells, alveolar MΦ ND [57]
 miR-9 TLR2, TLR4,
MyD88 NF-κB Monocytes, granulocytes, MΦ, PMN, biliary epithelial cells LPS, TNF-α, IL-1β [10, 58]
 miR-27b TLR4 ND NF-κB (P65) LPS, C. parvum [5961]
 let-7e TLR4 AKT1 NF-κB Peritoneal MΦ ND [62]
 miR-21 TLR4 MyD88, TRIF NF-κB (P65/P50)
AP-1 (Fos/Jun)
RAW264.7 cells, BMDMs, B cells, PBMCs, H69 cholangiocytes, biliary epithelial cells, gastric and breast cancer cell line, promyelocytic leukemia cell line LPS, LMP1, nicotine,
C. parvum, PMA; ectopic expression of HER2/neu
[23, 52, 60, 61, 6368]
 miR-125b TLR4 ND ND Biliary epithelial cells, LPS-tolerized THP1 cells, fibroblast-like synoviocytes, H69 cholangiocytes LPS, C. parvum [61, 69]
 miR-16 ND ND NF-κB (P65/P50) Gastric cancer cells Nicotine [10, 64]
 miR-23b ND ND NF-κB (P65) Biliary epithelial cells LPS, C. parvum [10, 60, 61]
 miR-30b ND ND NF-κB (P65) Biliary epithelial cells LPS, C. parvum [10, 60, 61]
 miR-301a ND ND NF-κB (P65/P50) Pancreatic cancer cells TNF-α [10, 70]
 miR-212 ND ND KSHV, EtOH [50]
 miR-146b ND ND AP-1 (Fos) Glioblastoma cells, ovarian cancer cells Platelet-derived growth factor [71]
 let-7i TLR4 ND NF-κB, C/EBPβ H69 cholangiocytes LPS, C. parvum [7275]
 miR-98 TLR4 ND H69 cholangiocytes C. parvum [75]
 miR-125b TLR4 AKT1 NF-κB Splenocytes, BMDMs, DCs, RAW264.7 cells, macrophages ND [38, 40, 62]
 miR-29b ND ND NF-κB (P65), YY1, SP1, HDAC3,
Myoblast cell, acute myeloid leukemia cells TNF-α [76, 77]

MyD88: myeloid differentiation primary-response protein 88; BMDM: bone marrow-derived macrophage; PMN: polymorphonuclear neutrophil; LMP1: latent membrane protein 1; RIG-I: retinoic acid-inducible gene-I; VSV: vesicular stomatitis virus; TRIF: TIR domain-containing adaptor protein inducing IFN-β (also known as TICAM1, the TIR domain-containing adapter molecule 1); KSRP: KH-type splicing regulatory protein; JNK: JUN N-terminal kinase; C/EBPβ: CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-β; KSHV: Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; Treg cell: regulatory T cell; C. parvum: Cryptosporidium parvum; YY1: Yin Yang 1; SP1: specificity protein 1; HDAC3: histone deacetylase 3; HDAC1: histone deacetylase 1; ND: not determined.