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. 2014 Jan 30;6(1):5. doi: 10.1186/gm524

Table 1.

Methods for detecting somatic mutations

Objective Data Method Description
Somatic mutation detection
MuTect [22]
Designed to detect low-frequency mutations in both whole-genome and exome data.
Strelka [23]
Can be applied to both whole-genome and whole-exome data. Uses stringent post-call filtration.
VarScan 2 [24]
Demonstrates high sensitivity for detecting SNVs in relatively pure tumor samples from both whole-genome and exome data.
JointSNVMix [128]
A probabilistic model that describes the observed allelic counts in both tumor and normal samples.
BIC-Seq [129]
Detects CNAs from whole-genome data.
Predicts loss of heterozygosity regions from whole-genome sequencing data.
CoNIFER [131]
Detects CNAs from exome data.
BreakDancer [132]
Cluster paired-end alignments to detect SVs. One version to detect large aberrations and another to detect smaller indels.
VariationHunter-CommonLaw [133], HYDRA [70]
Cluster paired-reads, including reads with multiple possible alignments. Support simultaneous analysis of multiple samples.
GASV/GASVPro [134,135], PeSV-Fisher [136]
Combine paired-read and read-depth analysis to detect SVs.
Meerkat [130]
Combines paired-end split-read and multiple alignment information to detect structural aberrations.
Delly [137], Break-Pointer [138]
Combines paired-end and split-read signals to detect structural aberrations.
Tumor purity estimation
Originally designed for SNP array data, but may be adapted for whole-genome sequencing data. Handles subclonal populations as outliers.
ASCAT [29]
Designed for SNP array data, but may be adapted for whole-genome sequencing data. Only considers a single tumor population.
THetA [30]
Able to consider multiple subclonal tumor populations, but only if they differ by large CNAs. Designed for whole-genome sequencing data.
    SomatiCA [31] Only uses aberrations that are identified as clonal to estimate tumor purity.

CNA, copy number aberration; SNV, single-nucleotide variant; SV, structural variant.

A representative list of software available for the detection of somatic mutations from high-throughput sequencing data of cancer genomes. Some methods detect more than one type of mutation but are listed only once for clarity.