Figure 1.
Schematic of a carbon-fiber microelectrode amperometry setup (left), a typical CFMA trace (right) and two CFMA spike parameters (inset). CFMA was used to examine functional changes in exocytosis after culture on pNIPAM surfaces. A simplified CFMA setup is presented at left, (not to scale; reference electrode not shown) with a stimulating pipette (gold) placed near the cell of interest and a carbon fiber microelectrode (grey) placed on the surface of a single cell. A typical CFMA trace is presented at right for a cell from the glass only control. The small bar is the period of stimulation (using 3 second K+ bolus) to induce exocytosis. Individual spikes parameters shown inset, including charge (Q) and full-width half-maximum (T1/2), are calculated, pooled and averaged for each condition. Comparison of these parameters revealed changes in exocytosis in a deposition dependent manner.