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. 2013 Sep 6;5(5):43. doi: 10.1186/alzrt206

Table 1.

Characteristics of total sample and subpopulations who are "very likely" to obtain preclinical AD test

Entire sample Very likely to get early medical test for AD
Entire sample 30.0% [28.1 to 31.9]
Have/had immediate blood relative with AD
No 77.1% [75.2 to 79.0] 27.8%*** [25.7 to 30.1]
Yes 22.9% [21.0 to 24.8] 35.3% [31.2 to 39.7]
Served as decision-maker or caretaker for AD patient
No 83.0% [81.4 to 84.7] 27.9%* [25.8 to 30.0]
Yes 17.0% [15.3 to 18.6] 40.4% [35.6 to 45.5]
Worried will get Alzheimer's disease
Not too/not at all/don't know/refused 55.3% [53.1 to 57.5] 23.5%** [21.2 to 26.0]
Very/somewhat worried 44.7% [42.5 to 46.9] 38.1% [35.1 to 41.2]
Health status
Fair/poor 20.3% [18.5 to 22.2] 34%* [29.8 to 38.4]
Excellent/very good/good 79.7% [77.8 to 81.5] 28.9% [26.8 to 31.1]
Think AD is fatal
No/Don't know/refused 55.5% [53.3 to 57.7] 28.9% [26.4 to 31.5]
Yes 44.5% [42.3 to 46.7] 31.4% [28.6 to 34.4]
Marital status
No 46.3% [44.1 to 48.6] 28.9% [26.1 to 31.9]
Yes 53.7% [51.4 to 55.9] 30.9% [28.4 to 33.6]
Expect paid caregiver to be primary caretaker if develop AD
No 70.8% [68.7 to 72.8] 28.6%* [26.3 to 30.9]
Yes 29.2% [27.2 to 31.3] 33.4% [29.8 to 37.2]
Believe an effective AD treatment is available now or will be in five years
No/don't know/refused 32.1% [30.0 to 34.2] 28.5% [25.3 to 32.0]
Yes 67.9% [65.8 to 70.0] 30.8% [28.4 to 33.2]
18 to 29 23.7% [21.7 to 25.8] 25.3%** [21.3 to 29.9]
30 to 49 37.2% [35.1 to 39.4] 25.1% [22.2 to 28.2]
50 to 64 21.6% [19.9 to 23.3] 36.9% [33.1 to 40.9]
65 to 74 11.6% [10.2 to 13.0] 38.9% [33.2 to 45.0]
75 to 85+ 5.9% [4.9 to 6.9] 34.3% [27.0 to 42.3]
Male 48.2% [46.0 to 50.5] 27.7%* [24.9 to 30.5]
Female 51.8% [49.5 to 54.0] 32.2% [29.6 to 34.9]
Educational attainment
Low 32.5% [30.4 to 34.6] 32.4%* [29.0 to 35.9]
Middle 30.2% [28.1 to 32.3] 32.1% [28.6 to 35.9]
High 37.3% [35.1 to 39.5] 25.9% [23.0 to 29.0]
France 20.8% [19.0 to 22.6] 26.8%*** [22.9 to 31.2]
Germany 17.9% [16.2 to 19.7] 23.6% [19.7 to 28.0]
Poland 17.8% [16.1 to 19.5] 30.5% [26.2 to 35.2]
Spain 18.4% [16.6 to 20.1] 39.6% [34.9 to 44.4]
United States 25.1% [23.1 to 27.0] 29.7% [26.0 to 33.7]
Race (U.S. Only, N = 639)
White 68.3% [64.3 to 72.4] 25.3% [21.1 to 30.0]
Black 11.6% [9.1 to 13.9] 45.1% [34.6 to 56.0]
Hispanic 14.1% [11.3 to 16.9] 34.7% [25.7 to 44.8]
Other (Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Other) 6.1% [3.1 to 8.9] 39.1% [18.1 to 65.2]
Would see doctor if showing symptoms of AD
No 9.2% [7.8 to 10.5] 19%** [13.3 to 26.6]
Yes 90.8% [89.5 to 92.2] 31.4% [29.4 to 33.5]

N = 2,678; *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001 using chi-square tests of differences between expected and observed distributions. Sample sizes vary across categories due to missing data. Confidence intervals in brackets.