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. 2013 Sep 20;5(9):81. doi: 10.1186/gm485

Table 2.

High-throughput sequencing platforms and their potential metagenomic applications in public health

Manufacturer Platform Read length (bp) Output Run time Reads Advantages Limitations Applications
Second generation sequencers
HiSeq 2500
600 Gb
11 days
2.4 × 109
Very high depth
Long run time
High sensitivity to detect pathogens that are present at very low concentrations in metagenomic samples
Low error rate
Short read lengths
Lower cost per bp
Errors in regions following GGC motifs [65]
Paired-end reads
Decreasing read quality toward ends [66]
8.5 Gb
39 hours
34 × 106
Desktop machine
Short read lengths
Able to detect pathogens at low levels rapidly
Lowest error rate of desktop sequencers
Errors in regions following GGC motifs [65]
Can be deployed locally Useful for diseases of unknown etiology
Lower cost per bp
Decreasing read quality toward ends [66]
Paired-end reads
Genome Sequencer (GS) FLX Titanium
1 Gb
23 hours
1 × 106
Long read lengths
Errors in homopolymeric regions
Able to de novo assemble genomes of novel pathogens from metagenomic samples
GS Junior System
35 Mb
10 hours
1 × 105
Desktop machine
Errors in homopolymeric regions
Able to sequence novel genomes rapidly
Longest read length of desktop sequencers
Lower depth compared to GS FLX
Can be deployed locally
Useful for outbreak investigations
Life Technologies
Ion Torrent with Personal Genome Machine (PGM) 318 Chip
1-2 Gb
7 hours
3-5 × 106
Desktop machine
Errors in homopolymeric regions
Fastest output is helpful for urgent public health issues
Fastest run time of desktop sequencers
Biased coverage in AT rich regions [67]
Can be deployed locally
10 Gb
2-4 hours
6-8 × 107
Desktop machine
Short read length
Able to detect pathogens at low levels rapidly
Very fast run time
Errors in homopolymeric regions
Can be deployed locally
Useful for diseases of unknown etiology
Third generation sequencers
Pacific Biosystems
PacBio RS
100 Mb
2 hours
Very fast run time
High error rate
Able to assemble genomes for novel pathogens rapidly
Very long read lengths
Sub-reads often shorter than quoted read lengths
Complementary to other methods
Requires higher DNA input [67]
Oxford Nanopore
10s of Gb per 24 hours
Run until complete
Not applicable
Very fast run time
Not yet available
            No sample preparation required    

Statistics for Illumina, Roche and maximum values for each category in each system are shown as of 2012. bp base pair, Mb megabases, Gb gigabases.