Age ≥ 18 years
Thoughts of killing oneself in the past week
An actual, aborted, or interrupted attempt to kill oneself in the past week, including current visit
Able to consent (alert, fully oriented, not intoxicated, able to paraphrase the study requirements)
Willing to complete telephone follow-up assessments at 6, 12, 24, 36, 52 weeks
Otherwise medically or cognitively unable to participate in the assessment or counseling (e.g., sustained altered level of consciousness, psychosis, hostile behavior, victim of sexual assault, intubation, persistent vomiting, severe pain)
Currently dwelling in a non-community setting, including an acute psychiatric facility, physical rehabilitation, substance abuse treatment, or nursing home (except when otherwise deemed acceptable by the RA)
Currently in state custody
Pending legal action
Lack of permanent residence
Lack of reliable telephone service
Insurmountable language barrier
Enrolled in earlier study phase