Extracted ion chromatograms from LC-MS analysis of total N-glycans. Total N-glycans of WT and TbGT11 conditional null mutant cells grown under permissive or non-permissive conditions were enriched, permethylated, and analyzed by LC-MS. Shown are the extracted ion chromatograms of Hex3HexNAc2 (A), Hex3HexNAc3 (B), Hex4HexNAc4 (C), Hex5HexNAc4 (D), Hex6HexNAc4 (E), and Hex7HexNAc4 (F). In each box, the upper panel shows the chromatogram from WT cells, the middle panel represents the chromatogram from TbGT11 conditional null mutant cells grown under permissive conditions, and the lower panel results from TbGT11 conditional null mutant cells grown under non-permissive conditions.