Elevated C3/C3b immunoreactivity in AMD-predisposing hRPE cells after challenge with Abca4−/− OS. Representative confocal images of C3/C3b immunoreactivity of YY402 (left panel) and HH402 (right panel) hRPE cells incubated with wild-type (top row) and Abca4−/− (bottom row) OS and for 2 hours with CFH-depleted serum. The histogram in the right panel shows 1.5-fold higher C3/C3b immunoreactivity on HH402 hRPE cells following Abca4−/− OS incubation compared with the YY402 hRPE cells (n = 6 for wild-type OS and n = 8 for Abca4−/− OS). *, p < 10−6; **, p < 10−4). The experiment was repeated three times with two different donor hRPE cell lines of the YY402 and HH402 haplotypes.