Fig. 5. VISTA enhances conversion of human naïve T cells into FoxP3+ T cells.
Naive CD4 T cells were purified from human PBMCs by magnetic bead selection. Cells were CFSE labeled and stimulated for 5 days with 2.5ug/ml anti-CD3 co-coated with VISTA-Ig or control-Ig in the presence of 10ng/ml IL-2 and 250ng/ml anti-CD28 in the culture media. a) representative plots showing FoxP3 within live, singlet CD4 T cells stimulated with 10ug/ml control Ig (left), or 5ug/ml VISTA-Ig and 5ug/ml control Ig (right). b) Percentage FoxP3 positive cells are shown as mean +/− SD. Control-Ig was used to bring the concentration of fusion protein to 10ug/ml in all wells. Data is representative of 3 separate experiments.