Figure 1.
Chronic ISO cardiomyopathy in AC5 Tg, compared with WT, was rescued by mating the AC5 Tg mice with MnSOD Tg (AC5 Tg × MnSOD Tg) mice. The asterix indicates a p<0.05 difference. A, Delta LV ejection fraction (EF) after ISO. AC5 Tg mice fell significantly more than that of WT mice, p<0.05. In the bigenic mice the fall in LVEF was significantly less, n=6–7/group. B, More fibrosis, p<0.05, was detected in AC5 Tg mice after ISO than in the other two groups after ISO n=5/group. C, Myocyte apoptosis, calculated by the percentage of total myocyte nuclei, also increased more in AC5 Tg than the other two groups. The data in panel A–C did not have a normal distribution and the appropriate statistical tests were used (see statistical analysis section). *p<0.05