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. 2014 Apr 9;348:g2467. doi: 10.1136/bmj.g2467

Table 1.

 Overview of randomised controlled trials on impact of flexible sigmoidoscopy: design aspects

Study Country No randomised (approached) Age Intervention Years enrolled Median follow-up (years) No (%) with lower gastroinestinal endoscopy Report of per protocol analysis
Intervention Control Adjusted for non-compliance Adjusted for contamination
Hoff et al 200912 Norway 55 736 55-64 Once only FS, with or without single FOBT 1999-2000 7 8846/13 653 (64.8) NR Yes No
Atkin et al 201013 United Kingdom 170 432 (368 142) 55-64 Once only FS 1994-99 11.2 40 674/57 237 (71.1) NR Yes* No
Segnan et al 201114 Italy 56 532 (236 536) 55-64 Once only FS 1995-99 10.5 9999/17 148 (58.3) NR Yes* No
Schoen et al 201215 United States 154 900 (NR) 55-74 FS at baseline and after 3-5 years 1993-2001 11.9 67 071/77 445 (86.6) NR (46.5) No No

FOBT=faecal occult blood test; FS=flexible sigmoidoscopy; NR=not reported.

*With correction for potential differences in outcomes among non-responders and controls.