Fig. 2.
ERFs to the gaze change and subsequent dynamic emotional expression. Time course overlays of grand-averaged ERFs from 151 MEG sensors (group averages across all experimental conditions). On the timeline, the first zero corresponds to the gaze change. The arrow identifies the M170 to the gaze change. The light gray box depicts the pre-stimulus baseline for the M170 beginning 200 ms before the gaze change. The second zero in the timeline corresponds to the facial expression onset. Grand-averaged ERFs for dynamic emotional expression are depicted and appear to peak before 1000 ms after facial expression onset. The corresponding 200-ms pre-stimulus baseline for these responses is shown as a preceding light gray box. The evolution and subsequent wane of the emotional expression are indicated as a schematic triangle below the time scale. The vertical scale depicts ERF strength in femtoTesla (fT). The horizontal scale depicts time relative to the gaze change or facial expression onset in milliseconds (ms).