Figure 3.
Insertion of a long flexible segment into the DBD linker allows the Chd1–AraC remodeller to reach farther away from the nucleosome. End-positioned nucleosomes were generated containing the 17 bp araI1 site located +3, +13, +23, +33 or +43 bp away from the nucleosome edge. For each remodeller variant, a rate constant was calculated for each nucleosome substrate from single exponential fits to the data (n≥3). The bar graph shows rate constants, along with calculated errors of fitting, relative to Chd1ΔNC as in Fig 2. For Chd1ΔNC, the average kobs for nucleosomes with araI1 at +3 and +13 was 0.32±0.02 min−1. Asterisks denote relative rate constants≤0.004. araI1, AraC binding site; DBD, DNA-binding domain.