WRKY23 expression in embryo and primary root tips. (A–H) WRKY23 expression in wild type (A–E), plt1plt2 (F), shr-2 (G) and scr-4 (H) embryos visualized through WRKY23::GUS (A,B,D) and whole-mount mRNA in situ hybridization (C,E–H). (I) qRT–PCR on WRKY23 in plt1plt2, DEX treated PLT2::PLT2-GR, shr-2 and scr-4 3-day-old seedlings. (J,K) DR5::GUS activity in 3-day-old wild type (J) and shr-2 root tips (K). DEX, dexamethasone; mRNA, messenger RNA; PLT, PLETHORA; qRT–PCR, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction; SCR, SCARECROW; SHR, SHORT ROOT; WT, wild type.